Vedanta Institute London is a UK based charity established in 2003.

The Institute works towards social upliftment by providing education on the fundamental principles of life and living. It is a charitable trust supported by donors and sponsors in the UK. The Institute is registered with the Charity Commission and its Charity Number is 1102168.

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“When I moved from London overseas I could not envisage how I could continue my Vedanta learning which I really missed! Thanks to the online access I haven’t missed a single class in the last year and I feel like a new person; happier and focused.”

Irina, Consultant

Standard of Living vs Standard of Life

Science improves the standard of living by providing better comforts, amenities and facilities. Whereas Vedanta improves standard of life by reducing stress and bringing peace and happiness. Vedanta Institute aims to establish a higher standard of life in the UK by making the knowledge of Vedanta available to schools, universities, corporations and the society at large.